Do You Run A Shop, Grocery Store Or Restaurant?

We help you GROW SALES, increase PROFIT MARGIN and run your business efficiently & STRESS FREE!

Who is Grubbys?

We Are

passionate about helping small informal businesses in Africa otherwise known as “THE KADOGO ECONOMY” prosper and grow through embracing technology.Our hearts beat for Small Shops,Mama Mbogas and Hood Restaurants.

Our Solutions

How we help you grow your business

Digital Marketing & Online Delivery

Grow your customer base by marketing online & offering delivery services. This will help increse sales and customers will prefer you because of the convenience you offer.

Order Stock Efficiently

Our inventory management system helps you know when products are running out of stock and gives you alerts in advance. We also facilitate order for stock from our trusted suppliers and have it delivered in under 3 hours, for free. You will get the best pricing in the market on the products, definitely increasing your profit margins.

Access To Capital & Loans

We work with financial partners who can help you with business financing in form of both stock and operational loans. Based on the data (automated) of your business performance in a given period, you can qualify business loans at very attractive rates and conditions.

Digital Business Tools

Run your business like the pro you are using our digital business suite. Be in the know of what is happening at any time in your business, get the insights and act on them to better your trade.


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes we enable our merchants to deliver to their customers through our Grubbys Express platform Grubbys Express and app.

No the Grubbys Platform is free to use for all our merchants

It takes typically 1-3 hrs for FMCG products while Fresh Fruits and vegetables are delivered the following day early morning to ensure freshness ,best quality and pricing

You are offered a loan either in stock or cash depending on the analytics of how much revenue your shop makes in a month.Be sure to capture this in POS and Inventory management and leave the rest to us

Yes we demonstrate to you how the Grubbys Plus platform works, help you with data entry as well as train you and your staff how to use it.

We handle atleast 90% of all common FMCG products ranging from food items,sanitary items like soap,mali mali,fresh fruits & vegetables and so many more from different brands ,manufacturers and farms


What are they saying about us?

I no longer have to wake up at 4am to go look for fruits for my juice business,Grubbys delivers them to my shop on time and i love them for that


Juice Shop Owner, Juja

Grubbys wananipea stock na deni alafu nalipa jioni, hii imenisaidia sana kwa sababu hakuna saa nimefunga job juu ya kukosa pesa

Grace Wanja

Mama Mboga, Kahawa Sukari

I'm able to manage, know the stats and performance and act on insights of my 3 retail shops along Thika Road,Easily Courtesy of Grubbys

Samuel Muthee

Shop Owner

With digital marketing and online delivery ,my restaurant customers and revenue have steadily grown ,using Grubbys Express


Tamu Delicacies


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+254 714 353 279
+254 770 735 253

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Open Hours

Everyday from:
8:00AM - 10:00PM

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